All vehicles and items sold \"as is\" and \"where is\" and must be removed at Purchaser's risk and expense. No refunds of any kind will be given. All sales are final.<\/p>
Pursuant to The State of Michigan's Public Acts 493 and 495, a record of sale must be on file with Canton Township before the vehicle is released. This means that Canton will need a copy of the driver's license and signature of the new owner. Canton will not release vehicles to transports from out of state vendors. You must come in person to sign the title and pick up your vehicle.<\/p>
Please contact Mike Sheppard with questions in regards to paying for and picking up your vehicle at 734 394-5225. Please note that vehicles will not be ready until 5 days after the bid closing. All vehicles must be paid for and picked up within 20 business days of closing.<\/p>
We accept: Cash, money order and cashier checks<\/p>","terms":"","footer":null,"copyright":null,"subdomain":"canton","theme":{"logo":"\/bidcorp\/image\/upload\/e_make_transparent\/e_trim\/h_90\/canton_zy1der.png","link":false,"colors":[]},"timezone":"America\/Detroit","updated":1315560096000,"created":1239298628000}